How may the WA ban on plastic bags affect your life?

Minh Doan, 20

I would stop using plastic bags…I’m sure they’re gonna replace the new bags with something more biodegradable… It’s just mainly like I would just adjust to it because I understand the intent of it. So as long as the intentions good, I would have to deal with it.

So I have a big family. So generally we go shopping and get a lot of bags but I suppose that we are gonna wanna be moving to paper for the most part either that or I mean those reusable plastic bags you can buy. I guess that’s what they’re pushing. Rather than buying new paper bags everytime I go to the store I would just bring me these other ones.

Darbey Martin, 17

I think the ban is really important for me. I personally like to use paper anyway, but I feel like it would affect like my family and my friends a lot because then I don’t feel as uncomfortable around them changing what they do. I’m pretty forceful when it comes to using plastic bags.

Joy Imanuel, 18

I don’t think it will though. Well like from what I know people these days have plastic recycled bags that they have with them and I carry this bag (points to Backpack) when I’m shopping. So I don’t think it really matters to me.

Ally Mon Wai, 22

Uhh..Probably not that much due to the fact that I don’t use plastic bags that much. I use paper or fabric (bags).

Monica Vazquez, 19

It wouldn’t affect me much. I use reusable bags already. I don’t ask for it (plastic bags). I typically try not to buy a bunch of stuff since I only have two reusable bags. I try to cut down on what I already have.