What do you think should be done to prevent school shootings?

Olga E. Pablo Pablo, age 25, student

“The most important thing in my opinion is being aware of what could happen. To know where to go if things like that happen. Being informed and knowing what to do, especially for students, who don’t know the buildings well enough.”

Helena Yusof, 19, student

“I think stricter gun regulations should be done. You should have to be a certain age to get a gun, because where we’re from, it’s really hard to get a gun. You need to go through a training. In Malaysia, people that have authority, like police and security, need to get training and a license. I think for the whole country, U.S., they should go through that process.”

Micaiah Anderson, 21, student

“Well one thing: I’d feel safer if a teacher wanted to and are allowed to carry a concealed weapon permit… .
“If you make a school a gun free zone criminals aren’t going to obey the law… .
“The police are not going to be the first responders, they are going to be the second responders in a school shooting.”

Anna Wilke, 16, student, Port Townsend Campus

“I think gun laws are gonna be the biggest thing to help. It’s going to remove the problem. Talking about it, discussing it, and being aware of this issue. It’s a serious issue. There shouldn’t have to be a risk. We’re at school, we’re here to learn and have fun. There shouldn’t be a concern about school shootings.”