Campus Voices: What would you do to reduce your carbon footprint & why?

Chloe Harksell- “Ideally I’d ride a bike rather than drive, using reusable bathroom supplies is something that I’ve seen a lot, like getting bamboo stuff, which seems like it’d be expensive but worth it in the long run”

David Harvey – “Use less electricity, plant trees, and eat less commercial meat. Because I think those are things that have been identified that individuals, not corporations, can do to have the biggest on their individual carbon footprints. I do think however, when we’re considering carbon footprints that the pressure needs to be on corporations to reduce their carbon footprints, because as individuals there are only so many things we can do, and corporations vastly outweigh individuals when we talk about carbon output”

Dane Deming- “I ride my bike a lot. At home we do a lot of recycling. We also try to reduce the amount of water and the amount of electricity we use, and when we travel by car we don’t like the go on long drives as much unless we’re going on vacation”

Daisy Spiridakis – “Have an easier way to recycle, and have more places to take my recyclables”

Brandon Fudally – “I’d say just walk more, because it’s something I do all the time, and it isn’t much of an expense and not much of a worry, and has less impact on Co2”

Levi Bergren – “I know at our house we always do recycling”