Eating contest with music (Pirate Pete Week)

By Zach Wakefield

Who would win in a fight, your stomach or an entire can of spam?
As part of Pirate Pete Week, a gathering of 8 brave, or just hungry, students went head to head in a food eating contest in the PUB.
From the group of students, four rounds decided a final winner with increasing rounds of difficulty, from two pop-tarts, a pile of powdered donuts, a bowl of ramen, to a finale round including an entire can of spam. With each round, students began to struggle, the slowest being eliminated and only the strong remained. A variety of tactics could be observed throughout each round of the competition as well, from dunking certain foods with water for easier consumption to mashing spam into smaller chunks for better bite sized handfuls. However one student, Alan Lee, stayed a clear step ahead in the competition, easily winning each round by a sizable margin of time and eventually winning the final round. After the competition, he was treated with a $50 gift card to the Bookaneer and bragging rights for the rest of the quarter.

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