Campus Voices: In light of the Sequim gun theft, do you feel safe?

Peggy Caruters, 64

Since the gun theft occured, I don’t feel safe. If they can rob guns, they can rob houses too. Anyone can violate your home, and I don’t think the police are working hard enough to solve this. It is very scary.

Aaron Movies, 46

I don’t feel any different to be honest. Having a gun theft doesn’t matter because bad people will break in anytime they want, so I don’t feel unsafe because of this.

Nicia Pfeffer, 21

I feel fine. I just never really worried or have a fear for guns, and that does not change just because the theft happened. I feel like it’s on the edge, but not really.

Byeol Park, 27

I don’t feel safe. In asian countries, we don’t handle gun except military. It’s not rare to even end your life, especially when you’re women, without even touching or seeing guns. So when I hear gun theft, I instantly think it’s not safe.