CAMPUS VOICES – What do you think could help curb police brutality?

Buccaneer Online News

voices Quinn Van treekQuinn Van Treek
“Better training each person how to not racially profile. New tactics for taking down assailants.” – Denver Police Academy cadet, on campus visiting his girlfriend, a PC student.

voices Anh TranAnh Tran
“Basically we need to restructure police training to keep up with the latest political and social context, so police will not be viewed as barbarians.” – PC student.

voices Keevan WebKeevan Web
“Maybe have the police wear body cameras so we can have a view of what police are doing.” – PC student.

voices Megan ShampMegan Shamp
“I think that the police need to take into account more who they are dealing with. The training academy needs to test under pressure more to see how they will react.” – PC student.